Margin: Creating Space With Our Time

A funny sounding idea this time of year, but summer's coming!

Anybody starting to imagine and yearn for the long days of summer???

Wrapping up the school year

I'm helping to plan teacher appreciation activities for our elementary school this week.

There are two end of the year field trips for our 4th grader, two different awards ceremonies, and a water/field day

My preschooler has parent-teacher conferences, a Mother's Day Tea, and preschool graduation

My oldest in high school has two choir concerts and a driver's test

All of this is on top of most of our family's normal activities...And I know I'm not the only one. Many of you out there would probably like to send me your list by comparison, which could very well be twice as long as mine! 

Wrapping up the school year can be a very busy time for families. A season where time seems to slip away and the end of the day is here before you know it.

The idea of creating space in our schedules or boundaries around our time feels next to impossible.

Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives by Richard Swenson

When I first heard of this book I knew immediately that I and the women I work with would all benefit from the opportunities it would provide for us to examine our level of commitments and reserves.

After reading it, I appreciate how the author encourages us to a new perspective on how we view our capacity. I truly think EVERYONE needs to read this book! Go ahead and add it to your reading list.

Over the next few weeks, I'll give you one tip or idea for creating space in each of these four areas: Time, Physical Energy, Emotional/Mental Energy, and Finances. I'd love your feedback, thoughts, and questions along the way.

So here's my tip for creating margin around time--even in a busy season such as the end of the school year:

Schedule in breaks for yourself and for your family. Do something that replenishes your energy. That will likely be different for every family unit. It could be dinner out, a movie, pj day on Saturday or Sunday afternoon. And make the break non-negotiable (especially with yourself). After taking a break, when you return to all the tasks you'll have more energy and complete them more efficiently.

So, good luck to you as you finish out this school year. I hope you have a lot of fun with all of the celebrations and momentous occasions, but don't forget to leave a little margin around the edges.


Margin: Creating Space with our Finances


IMPACT Mastermind Celebration!